One-stop-shop for all data streaming needs within PorscheDifferent product teams in Porsche asked for a solution to accelerate the data flow and decouple their overall architecture using Apache Kafka. To help them out, a central data streaming platform based on the Apache Kafka open-source technology was built - Streamzilla. This internally managed service offers an easy way to run applications that use Apache Kafka and Apache NiFi to process streaming data. It also enables reliable communication between on-premise and cloud-based services, laying the ground for Porsche’s full migration to the cloud.
Tens of gigabytes of potentially useful data are being generated by hundreds of sensors in Porsche cars every day. If used right, with security and privacy as a first priority, this data can improve vehicle reliability and real-time navigation, increase fuel and battery efficiency, enhance customer service with predictive maintenance, and more.
These use cases are implemented via applications that rely on high volumes of accurate and recent data. To get that data to the applications, we use Streamzilla to create a secure, manageable and easily accessed data pipeline between the data sources and their relevant customer and engineering applications.

Because Streamzilla is moved entirely in the cloud onto Apache Kafka and NiFi open-source technology, it is accessible to any Porsche team with a data streaming need. They can build their data lakes, stream data to and from the database, and drive analytics applications from real-time streamed data without having to set up and manage their own Kafka or NiFi clusters.
In a nutshell, teams get a highly scalable and robust solution without needing open-source infrastructure management skills. This saves their time and reduces the work required to run production apps.

Using their extensive Kafka knowledge, our cross-functional teams provide consulting services and technical support and act as a one-stop-shop for the streaming data needs between product teams.
We cover everything from onboarding the customers and helping them with their journey to the cloud, to leveraging public cloud providers such as AWS and Azure to connect factories, teams, vehicles, and business data from all over the world. Our efforts help minimize support costs, prevent future data loss, and provide all teams at Porsche with an optimal data streaming platform.

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