My Porsche app
One mobile touchpoint that improves the experience of owning and driving PorschePorsche is taking the driving experience to the next level with an app that connects you with your Porsche in a heartbeat. The My Porsche app allows you to remotely control your car and get real-time information about it at a single glance. You can lock or unlock your car, set car functions like speed and location alarms, pre-heat the vehicle, and even monitor the charge level of your electric Porsche, sparing yourself the agony of having to hover over the vehicle for many minutes on end while it recharges. All that and much more is available upon request in a simple, quick, and easy-to-use app.
To provide a holistic experience and one mobile touchpoint, Porsche has revamped digital services for smartphones and merged all existing applications into one all-purpose app. This has simplified the use for customers and created a practical point of access to Porsche’s digital world through a modern and intuitive user interface.

Working on a single app that serves all the needs of Porsche customers requires adaptability and responsiveness. That’s why we adopted SAFe framework, working as part of the agile release train in iterations.
To make sure that the app is as functional as it is beautiful, we design and develop functionalities for iOS and Android with a strive for ease of use, performance, and reliability. This way drivers can enjoy an outstanding driving experience that is seamlessly integrated into the digital world.

Nothing beats knowing that the result of your work is being used by Porsche customers from all around the world, except maybe having the possibility to test what you do on actual Porsche cars. This is why our testing methods are second to one.
See, one of our test devices is Porsche Taycan which our team can use anytime. With actual car testing, we never stop tweaking our development processes and applying the knowledge we gain from it to the next feature we build, as well as existing ones.

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